世界レヴェルへの道 告知 学問

概説ページ、「15の基礎条件」ページに於いて、The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 3)~(stage 7)を追加掲載。



The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 3)
⇒ Prerequisite as a Toshiyuki Namai's disciple(英語音声講義)
⇒ Differentiation of the two, spiritual immaculacy and spiritual transparency(英語音声講義)
⇒ 「神聖性」という普遍的巨大枠から、美術作品に内在する本質を捉える(文書教材)

The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 4)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅰ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅱ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅲ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅳ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅴ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅵ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation Ⅶ(英語音声講義)

The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 5)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses(文書教材)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses Ⅰ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses Ⅱ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses Ⅲ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses Ⅳ(英語音声講義)
⇒ Transubstantiation for the Purpose of Comprehending Nomenclature Toshiyuki Namai Rationally and Aesthetically Uses Ⅴ(英語音声講義)

The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 6)
⇒ You are holily tested to overcome a bitter trial or not Ⅰ.(英語音声講義)
⇒ You are holily tested to overcome a bitter trial or not Ⅱ.(英語音声講義)

The rudiments of transubstantiation (stage 7)
⇒ Confession proves the truth you have in the inner part of your heart.(英語音声講義)
⇒ Confession proves the truth you have in the inner part of your heart.(文書教材)
⇒ 命をはった勉強とは、「計算なしの勉強」である・・・「人類」(humankind)という立ち位置から、transubstantiation完全具現のために(文書教材)

⇒ Report on the Rudiments of Transubstantiation (stage 7) made by Ms. T.A.


-世界レヴェルへの道, 告知, 学問

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