世界レヴェルへの道 学問

The very matter of wisdom the disciples meaningfully experience under the aegis of holy instruction Toshiyuki Namai carries out


It is absolutely true that Toshiyuki Namai's disciples are holily privileged to listen to various scientific matters through receiving the golden opportunity, "learning by ear" given.

Stereotypical people in the society unconsciously pay attention to listen to conventional and orthodox experience from distinguished academic professionals in order to obtain some valuable ideas and hints for their intellectual development. But, the reality you need to know is that it is really impossible to obtain "the cerebrally practical and mature ideas" from the conventional and orthodox experience spoken by those who just tell you "as a matter of the surface of the things" ordinary people naturally listen to in this civilized world poisoned.

I'd like you all to recognize and understand that the best way to meaningfully obtain "realistic, beneficial and feasible ideas" is that you find a hole to enter “the highly developed mechanism of brain” an intellectual who really exists in front of you possesses.

The uniqueness you can deliberately find in such developed brain the intellectual possesses shall be rationally interpreted as the one which is the most fascinating one judging from your experience. Whether you meaningfully find a hole to enter the mechanism of such brain or not is critically vital for the sake of the realization of cerebral development for your sake. It is absolutely impossible to find the essence as your right direction expected, if you are just orbiting the surface of such intellectual brain meaninglessly. Needless to say, to simply orbit the surface of such brain doesn’t mean anything at all. There is nothing you get intellectually in doing so.

It is a blessing for you to be guided to be more successful in the future in accordance with holy instruction I carry out as my lifelong mission. What you indispensably need for the sake of cultivation is relishing biting so many intellectual pieces of mine as holy instruction solemnly given to you disciples in the process to experience beautiful transubstantiation.

Now, I'd like to give you my guidance that you should not grovel before authority as one of human beings who possesses what is called “human dignity” at all. It is true that heterodox way of thinking engenders the future potentiality in finding a hole to enter the highly developed mechanism of brain the intellectual peculiarly possesses.

The prominent intellectuals who have a long-time scientific experience maturely grasp that “heterodoxy immensely transcends orthodoxy.” The experience of “learning by ear” in accordance with my instruction is fruitful and rewarding for your cerebral sake now and in the future more that you ignorantly imagine. Regrettably, a few comprehend this matter. In your case, you are privileged to have this opportunity in order to immensely learn various scientific matters under the aegis of holy instruction I carry out. Heterodox learning way is “not heterodox” at all. It is “the ultimate learning way” to reach the ultimate in human intellectuality.

You are guided to free yourself from the stereotypes materially and noisily poisoned. Those really hinder you from finding the hole to enter the aforementioned mechanism of brain. First, you must know yourself at any cost as a matter of reality you are facing right now.

It is the very matter of receiving wisdom, if you are seriously prepared to know your reality you are facing.

-世界レヴェルへの道, 学問

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