世界レヴェルへの道 学問

Jesus Christ holily said to one of the disciples, Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.


約2,000年前、人類の救世主(the Messiah)、イエス・キリスト様は、12名の弟子の1人であるペテロに、「神の国の鍵」を賦与しました(新約聖書「マタイの福音書」第16章第19節)。

---The keys of the kingdom of heaven---
Jesus Christ said to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."






---The Keys holily given to Toshiyuki Namai's disciples---
The keys for the sake of entering the "narrower gate" again and again are holily given to Toshiyuki Namai's disciples in the process of holy transubstantiation. Self-centered ego and stereotype are those which you absolutely have to get rid of for it.

-世界レヴェルへの道, 学問

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